
Showing posts from June, 2018

100 word challenge week #36

One day a man named Todd was wandering around and stumbled upon an orange berry. He ate the berry and slowly turned into a giant!   Meanwhile on the other side of town a man named Bob ate the same exact berry as Todd for whatever reason he became a sheriff with a bent gun. Todd thought that since he was a giant he could destroy anything he wants then he started breaking things. Bob came along and stopped him by scaring him with the gun. That children is the history of the broken gun, now let’s move on to the next exhibit.

100 Word Challenge Week 34

Once there was a man named Todd. Todd lived in a lean-to surrounded by huge  river. The only way he could get across was by crossing a bridge but this bridge wasn’t like any other bridge. It had a pink tint to it. Also  it had one pulchritudinous daffodil growing on the left side of the railing but when it rained it would shrink and disappear. Even when it sprinkled with rain the flower would shrink and vanish. Todd knew the flower would disappear each time it rained so he built a shed to see his flower whenever it showers outside.